Saturday, September 11, 2010

Not Making it is not an option

Okay. We took our first language test and I got my result back... BOOMMER I scored novice Mid which is one up above from the lowest and three from what is needed to get to swearing. Okay. So I did not think that was such a bad result for only learning and speaking the language for about two weeks. Soo I was okay with my Score.. HOWEVER..
Some people already achieved the level needed and the Peace Corps staff was expecting me to do  better since, I'm from Africa and have an African experience.. BUT excuse me, I'm learning the hardest language and i trying my best. Needless to say I was very BOOMED I've been crying about it. But I spoke to some people and im Good now..One blonder on the road to many, so I thought i might share.

In my defense those questions asked during the test are crazy, question I could not even answer in English. Questions such as, Why did you join the Peace Corps and What are your plans after Peace Corps.. As its a oral exam I had to make stuff up on the spot to get the talking going and just saying "I don't know" which is the truth means you don't know the language.

My family keeps telling to talk more.. BUT  I JUST DONT HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY..... yea I think I have to just be "fake" and pretend, to get the talking going...

SOOO after two days of been boomed and crying I'm good now.. I shall make it to Swearing Inshalla.. Si Allah Jabi

1 comment:

  1.'s ok, you'll get the language thing soon. They don't speak French at the village you'll be working at? BTW...Inshallah?? Hmmm...I'm getting worried...but don't worry, by GOD's grace, you'll pass your language test!
