Monday, August 23, 2010

MY New Family

Hey guys,

So I met my new family and I spent six days with them... Not sooo bad.. minus the part that i dont understand  half of what they saying all the time. My new name is Kadiatu. So i have bucket baths and a whole in the ground to pee and number too.. I have 5 brothers and two sisters.. There are about 20 people in my family and it has the wiredest set-up.. I have my dad and his family, then all his brothers and cousins like 4 of them have their family in the compound.

My father is sooo forceful telling all the time what to do, I guess that means he cares. And my little sister thinks im from outter space just keep touching me and stuff.. but I love her we get along.

Ill be going there for 2weeks all alone.. PRAY FOR ME

1 comment:

  1. That's a pretty name do you know what it means?
