Sunday, October 17, 2010

Official P.C.V

Hey Lovers,

I am now part of the selected few that has been called to serve, dedicating myself to the cause of peace and development. I am now an official Peace Corps Volunteer in Senegal. All 61 of us got sworn in on the 15 of October, 2010. Three people did not make it through the 9 weeks of training. The ceremony was held at the Ambassador' house, which was gorgeous. After the ceremony we had some AMAZING American food. It was finger food, like mini pizza's mini hamburgers and a bunch of other things including deserts and Senegalese local drinks. After the ceremony we went to the Atlantiue, Club, which is a place for American, like a YMCA, that has a bar and a restaurant. 

The next day the people and I in my region got shipped off to the regional house at 6am in the morning. I am currently at the region house, which is a place for all the volunteers in the region to get together or an escape to mini America.

I get installed Monday, (I move in). And tomorrow is shopping day to get stuff for my place/room.

SO guys thank you for getting me through training. I'm learning to appreciate each and everyone of you each day. Your kind words and prayer got me through training so keep it coming and I love you all.

As it said in  my new language Jaraama buy